Job Offer


[Your Name] – [Job Title] Job Offer

Hi [name],

Thank you again for the interview [when was it]—it was great to meet the team and see the offices. I enjoyed learning about the [job title] position, and I appreciate this generous offer. While this position seems like a great opportunity, I have decided to pursue another role that will offer me more opportunities to pursue my interests in [industry or skill]. Again, thank you for your time and support, and I wish you all the best.




Requesting Extension for [Job Title] Job Offer


Hi [name],

I am so grateful for the offer and excited about the possibility of joining [company]. I know you want my response by [date]. I have one final conversation booked this week with another company, and I’d like to see it through. Would it be possible to have one to three extra days to firm up my decision?


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